Schooling Shows and Competitions

Applewood offers six ESDCTA-registered Dressage Shows, Combined Tests (dressage and show jumping) & Clear Round jumping for riders of all levels. There are also two USEA Young Event Horse (4- and 5-year olds) shows, and two Mini Event Competitions which include 4 levels (Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice and Training) for riders.

Schooling Shows

Applewood offers six ESDCTA-registered Dressage Shows, Combined Tests (dressage and show jumping) & Clear Round jumping.  Trophy and six ribbons per class.  Dressage is in the outdoor dressage arena; warm-up is indoors; both arenas are sand/rubber and dust-free! Jumping takes place in the grass show jumping field. Scores can be applied to ESDCTA Year-End Awards and volunteer hours to ESDCTA volunteer requirement. All shows are on Wednesday. We make every effort to schedule ride times around riders’ work responsibilities and other commitments.

    • May 15
    • June 12
    • July 10
    • August 7
    • September 11
    • October 9

2024 Prize List
ESDCTA Entry Form
July 10 Ride Times FINAL
July 10 Results

Mini Event & Dressage Test of Choice

Interested in Eventing?  Thinking of moving up a level?  Then try our Mini Event – it’s fun, inviting and exciting!  The mini event consists of a dressage test appropriate for the level, and a jumping phase that starts with five stadium-type jumps in an open grass field flowing into a short cross country course.  The cross country obstacles are level appropriate, and can include logs, stone walls, mounds, tables, a water complex, ditches, banks, and various others.

Levels include: 

  • Starter (X-rails-2′-2’3″),
  • Beginner Novice (2’3″-2’7″),
  • Novice (2’7″-2’11”),
  • Training (2’11”-3’3″)

Scores for the Dressage phase and Jumping phase are combined, and a Trophy and 6 ribbons are awarded in each division.  In addition, there are two special awards:  Best Amateur Horse and Best Amateur Rider.  Or, just ride a dressage test or just ride through the jumping course.  For more information, contact the competition secretary, Holly Cornell 732-208-8715 or Times will be posted on the website.

Dressage Test of Choice:  Select any USEF or USEA test, 8-10 minutes per test to allow for judge’s comments.  (Note:  not ESDCTA recognized.)

July 17, 2024
August 14, 2024

Click on the Prize List button below; click on the Entry Form button to enter.

2024 Prize List
ME Entry Form 2024
Ride Times July 17 Updated
Scores 7-17-2024

Young Event Horse

YEH (Young Event Horse) includes the YEH dressage test for either 4 or 5 year old eventing prospects, and a jumping phase that begins with five straightforward show jumps, which feed directly into several inviting XC fences. The jumping phase is immediately followed by the galloping phase, in which horses are judged on the quality of the gallop and ability to cover ground.

The USEA has transferred the FEH (Future Event Horse) classes to the Young Horse Show Series (YHS) and will no longer be included with YEH shows.  .

YEH entries must be registered with USEA and must use the USEA Entry Form available from – use the link provided in the Prize List or click on the link below.  YEH must use the special  4yo and 5yo dressage tests, available at

July 17, 2024
August 14, 2024

Click on the Prize List link below to see levels available.

For more information, contact the competition secretary, Holly Cornell 732-208-8715 or Times will be posted on the website.

2024 Prize List
Entry Form 2023
Ride Times July 17 Updated
Scores 7-17-2024